Friday, 31 December 2010

Happiness in the new year

A Happy New Year to all! Those for whom 2011 has already started, and those who are still waiting to celebrate :)

I've been looking for an excuse to post this video - both the song and the visuals just make me happy. I hope they make you happy too.

May all of us, in this coming year, end up with our own spiritual equivalent of a cool platform (with a piano and sofas), and good friends, dancing, music and laughter, in the middle of a lake!!


mama said...

YES! Bring in on I say! This will be my aim for 2011... my spiritual equivalent of a cool platform with a piano, sofas and chairs and good friends, dancing, music and laughter in the middle of a lake!! It definitely has the wow factor!

anita said...

thank you kh
