Saturday, 28 February 2009

Two Small Cards

You can't get one without the other, as they say ;)

(The rather grim face on my EAD is because you're not allowed to smile in such pictures - it's a USCIS rule - and not because I was actually FEELING glum; rather the opposite, in fact).

And now: onwards and upwards!


unkleE said...

Another myth dashed! It's not green!! I wonder whether the movie would have sold if it had been titled "Dirty white card with determinedly unsmiling picture on it" : )

I suppose the unemployment relief card requires that you DO smile?

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is so great! And yes, I say too, "onwards and upwards!!"

Kathryn said...

alas, dad, that's not my green card... that should arrive in the mail some time in the next couple of months, after me not doing anything, so it makes you wonder why there's two cards (specially as I had it from an ex-USCIS officer that the EAD - the card above - used to be handed out at the airport), but there you go

but when the green card arrives it won't be green either! I'm guessing its 'green'ness refers to its traffic light capabilities, ie, 'go, go, go!' rather than anything else ;)


Anonymous said...

i don't think u look grim on it, i think u look lovely



Anonymous said...

Wooooooohoooooo!!! (:

SexyIrishLeprechaun said...

I don't think you're allowed to smile in ANY official jobbie, are you?

Congratulations anyway!